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The value of social listening for MSL success

Top takeaways from the MSL Talk podcast

We loved this MSL Talk podcast with Vandana Grover at Eisai and Stevan Tomich at AbbVie. Want to see our favorite moments? Let's go!

MSL Talk: how are savvy and successful MSLs using social listening?

Vandana: First is understanding the importance of social listening. Data from MAPS shows that 37% of physicians under the age of 55 use social networks. And a recent report from McKinsey shows that 42% of US HCPs spend at least two hours a day on social media.

So there's a pretty good chance that within your MSL territory, your HCPs are active on social media. And if your HCPs aren't actively posting, they're probably reading what their colleagues are saying on social media. 👍 

MSL Talk: What are the most relevant social media channels right now?

Stevan: First and foremost, you've got to be on Twitter/X because that's where scientific exchange is happening. It's almost expected in certain institutions that you have an X account, just like it's expected that you publish.

MSL Talk: What are some examples of insights that MSLs can get from social media?

Vandana: You can learn thought leaders' perceptions on products or what they think of a clinical trial that was just completed. You can also learn what they think about data, whether it's from a congress or a recent publication.

On social media, thought leaders will also talk about treatment options, the treatment landscape, what they might consider as first-line therapy, how they're sequencing and what the data gaps are.

Sometimes they'll even create polls or mini ad boards, so you'll see thought leaders responding to specific questions and giving their opinions on treatment options. You can really learn a lot. 🔥

MSL Talk: Can you share what conference coverage might look like?

Stevan: One of the cool things about social media is you know what happened last year. For example, if I'm going into ASH 2024, I can look back at ASH 2023 and see who was there and posting on social media. If one of my goals is to raise awareness, I can talk to the HCPs who were actively posting last year. 

Also, if you run into an HCP at the conference, what's better to say than "Hey, I saw you had this opinion, or you thought XYZ on this trial." Bring up the HCP's post and dig deeper.

Now you're bringing something to your organization where even if they have internal social listening, they don't have the full context of the insight because you were there at the conference. This helps you provide even more value. ❤️

Want more from Vandana and Stevan? Watch the full podcast:

Quotes are lightly edited for clarity.


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